Saturday, May 21, 2011


you know the feeling when really want something, and you know youll never be able to stop being restless and paranoid until you have it, but you have no idea what it is you want? thats the way im feeling right now. there are so many things i should and could be doing at the moment, but the thought of doing them makes me feel sick and all wrong. ive been getting these feelings more and more often and its getting harder to get rid of them. i suppose its something im going to have to get used to.
anyway on a lighter note, here are a few photos from this month. the horse is Harley, hes my friend emily's and whenever i see him i get the urge to take up horse riding again. The other photos are from a birthday barbeque i went to last week, i love all the people here and im so very glad i have the pleasure of knowing them. and on an unrelated note, please wish me luck on getting a job because i could use every bit of luck right now.