Thursday, January 24, 2013

Victory Rolls!


I am victorious! haha! This is my first real attempt at victory rolls!! 
I am so proud of myself.

Hair Style of the Month: Victory Rolls

I absolutely adore victory rolls but when it comes to actually doing them I am a little but hopeless. But, as they say, practice makes perfect! 
When I do some that I am happy with I will post a picture!

Pin Up Inspiration: Idda van Munster

"I'm going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life. Beauty really comes out from the inside of your souls! If you are happy - you'll be pretty!"

Idda van Munster has been one of my favourite Pin Up's since I first saw a picture of her a year ago. She is sleek and sexy and has an air of sophistication about her that can sometimes be difficult to find in Pin Up culture. 

"I am a classic lover, anything from the 1920's - 1960's is my passion.
I'm a huge fan of classic "Old Hollywood" icons."

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My friend Emily asked me to take some nice photos of her in one of her Kitten D'amour outfits so she could enter some in their monthly competition. So I did her make up and her hair, she got her outfit on and some heels and then proceeded to play with Harley in the arena (filled with sand). All I can say is this girl is amazing. She was running on sand in heels with a horse and not only did she manage to keep both ankles in tact, she also kept her beautiful clothes nice and clean AND took lovely pictures. 

I have also been asked by one of her friends to do her MUAH and take some photos of her and her horse as well. I'm so excited! And a little nervous but I'm sure all will go very very well.

Oh, and i forgot to mention. Emily is winning the competition!

My Paris photos. I also went to London and I have decided that I am going to move there. So many people in sweaters and with cute accents. They all remind me of Martin Freeman! 
Paris was lovely. There isn't really much more I can say then that. It was beautiful and the food was fantastic! I was also witness to the gay pride parade that took place and involved tens of thousands of people. It really was a site to behold and it filled me with so much happiness to know how much support is out there for the LGBT community.

On a side note, most of the photos are in black and white due to overcast weather. The only colour photo was taken inside.


I will state the obvious and say that these photos were taken in Vietnam. I havent posted on this blog in quiet a while and I have a lot of pictures to upload but right now its 2 in the morning and I need to be up early tomorrow to go and learn how to ride a horse. So more photos and more writing from me will be up maybe tomorrow. For now, goodnight!